(CVE-2020-ianianian)Citrix 目录遍历漏洞




Citrix ADC and Citrix Gateway: \< 13.0-58.30

Citrix ADC and NetScaler Gateway: \< 12.1-57.18

Citrix ADC and NetScaler Gateway: \< 12.0-63.21

Citrix ADC and NetScaler Gateway: \< 11.1-64.14 

NetScaler ADC and NetScaler Gateway: \< 10.5-70.18

Citrix SD-WAN WANOP: \< 11.1.1a

Citrix SD-WAN WANOP: \< 11.0.3d

Citrix SD-WAN WANOP: \< 10.2.7

Citrix Gateway Plug-in for Linux: \<


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